Ken Stewart's Grille

 Ken Stewart's Grille of Akron, Ohio, is a great spot for Akroners who are looking for a fancy place to eat if there is a special occasion or if there is not a special occasion and just want to go out and have a nice fancy dinner. But unfortunately, they have had to deal with the effects that COVID-19 has brought upon them.

"When we heard the news about the state of Ohio announced that they would go into lockdown to stop the spread of COVID-19 we were worried that we might close down for good because we were permitted from having in-person dining but we did understand the fact that we did not want to contribute to the spread of COVID-19," said Dylan Stencil the owner of Ken Stewart's Grille.

Due to the lockdown imposed, they lost a ton of money during the height of the pandemic and were concerned about the future of their restaurant because they knew that if this were to keep up then they would have to look at the option of closing their business for good.

"We were absolutely concerned with the fact that we would have to close down because we were losing money faster than Trump declaring bankruptcy for one of his businesses and when that happens you know that your restaurant is in trouble," said Alex Lang who has been a cook for 10 years.

They continued to lose money for the next two months. But all of the sudden, the state of Ohio announced that they would open up in-person dining again to Ohioans and everyone who was associated with the restaurant was thrilled about the news.

"We were so thrilled that after all this time the Governor finally allowed us to open for in-person dining and the day we were allowed to do that we immediately opened to the public and everyone was thrilled," said Bob Dole who has been a waiter for 4 years.


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